Good morning/good evening/goodnight everyone!
Sorry about lateness, I’ve been caught up doing naff all. I’m terribly
annoyed that I missed Christmas and I didn’t entertain my dear followers, all
one of them.

Moving swiftly on. (This blog shan’t be the best blog I’ve ever done for two reasons: a. I’m using old English and 2. I can’t remember half of the story. So don’t get your hopes up.) The other day, something happened that encouraged me to combine two words (fudge and some word beginning with fe) to create this extremely spiffing word: ‘Fedge’. “What the fedge does that mean?” you ask, and I say “Well my dear imaginary person I’m pretending to talk to, ‘fedge’ can mean anything you want it to mean.” “Wha?” you say, so I say “For example, you could say “AARGH! You useless piece of fedge!”or you could say “I watched them fedge their way gaily across the field” that is the beauty of the word ‘fedge’.” “oh! Ok...” you say, not really understanding and I can’t be bothered to go into any more detail so I say “I’m glad you understand”.
All is well.